Three First Day On The Job Tips

Landed a new job? Wonderful! Let’s make sure you are set up for success. 

Here are three easy – but impactful – ways to make sure your first days as a CNA or CMA go smoothly. 

1. Bring a Notebook: Documentation is essential in healthcare. CNAs and CMAs often need to record information about their patients, such as vital signs, medications administered, and changes in health status. But sometimes the patient’s record is not readily available. Having a notebook allows you to document these details in real time, so you can transfer them to a chart later. 

2. Wear Comfortable Shoes: You will likely be standing and walking for the majority of your shift. Comfortable footwear is key to prevent fatigue and injury. Some employers require a specific color or brand, so make sure you check with them before purchasing something new.

3. Ask Questions and Actively Listen: The best employees ask questions when they don’t know the answer. Don’t guess. It is essential you understand your duties and what is required of you. And, don’t forget to actively listen to the answer. Maybe even write it down in your notebook!

If you haven’t found the perfect job yet, check out the Quality Opportunities Board, featuring jobs from some of our Premier Partners, like Comfort Keepers.

There are multiple listings for CNAs, CMAs, Pharm Techs and more. While this career board does not guarantee employment or specific earning potentials, we do what we can to present career opportunities to our students. 

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